
oSaC: Why Only SandWalker?

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Kidariko's avatar

Literature Text

Rainheart had heard the news of all the deaths and instantly wanted to get to work, she was not about to let other cats be put in danger. As she walked for a while pacing between two rocks and a bush near her den she thought, she couldn’t just go looking for information at the crime scene. Everyone was doing that. She wouldn’t have any direction, so to speak, to look. She could look at the bodies but that wouldn’t be any help. She needed direction; Rainheart paused in her pacing before turning towards Nicolas’s Den. She had sought him out once for help while she was suffering maybe he would have an idea; Rainheart closed her eyes and tried to think while walking. What would help her? She couldn’t think of anything nothing was making sense, there had to be something she could ask that might give her an idea or two. She kept walking until she paused her foot part of the way in the air; she made her way to the male’s den after a moment or two of thinking. After a polite greeting Rainheart spoke up "Father Nicolas...Before I go investigate with no aim in mind...those who were found dead...were there any connections between them? Similar jobs or something like that?" She ears twitched awaiting an answer.

"Similar jobs?"  Nicholas twitches an ear as he thinks.  "I can think of a few possibilities, but the fact that Sandwalker also died means that not all of the victims add up.  Discounting him, all of the victims had dark auma, there seems to be no obvious cause of death for any of them, and they..." Nicholas' voice quiets, just a little bit.  It doesn't waver, but you feel as though something heavy is weighing on his head.  "...all came to me for treatment.  And bless their hearts, they were growing stronger."  

He shakes his head.  "But Sandwalker clearly fought his attacker.  He did not have dark auma.  He is an anomaly, and I have no guesses as to why he died differently." Rainheart nodded

“Thank you Father Nicolas.” She spoke leaving his den quickly. Rainheart paused a distance away sitting in a patch of dirt. Pressing her paw in the dirt she made a single paw print. She made six more a ways from the first one. Rainheart glanced between the groups “Why only kill one light holder?” she wondered. Was SandWalker possibly a red herring? Did the killer noticed that they had been killing only Darklings thus pointing fingers towards Nicolas who had seemed to hate the Darklings but even now…he was getting better.

Rainheart shook her head deciding that there was something missing, something she wasn’t thinking about. After a while she blinked before staring at the larger group “…Treatment.” She murmured drawing a small cross like shape under the paw prints “They were getting help.” She blinked “But…Ambergaze was part of the Way…” she continued this train of thought for a while “But she…” Rainheart blinked before looking at the larger group “Why….would our killer only go after…Darklings?” she questioned. She hadn’t been close to any Darklings at this time however they seemed to be suffering more than any other of the cats in the Safe Haven. She looked at her paw prints more before ‘erasing’ them so to speak. She stood up pacing back and forth a few times
“If they were getting better could they leave their Darkling status behind? Become like a healed version more like myself or something….” She wondered out loud “If that is so…” she blinked a few times “That means less dark auma in Safe Haven….Would that mean…Skinner loses some of her power?” she wondered “Would she attack the cats being healed so they wouldn’t turn to light based Auma?” she wondered. She was now suspicious of Skinner more than earlier but still there was not enough evidence to say firmly she did it.

Worse these were just thoughts, none of these were facts. Just ideas that Rainheart was bouncing around in her head no truths that accusations. She growled annoyed with herself for not thinking of something but looked upwards to the sky closing her eyes tightly like she was praying for some guidance from the stars that she couldn’t see at the moment. Eventually she walked a bit with her eyes still closed trying to focus her thoughts; her thoughts were interrupted by her stepping on a branch. She looked at her paw once her eyes opened for a moment seeing no damage of any kind, she walked again towards the Southern Area of Safe Haven.

Maybe she would find the connection…where they laid still now. She prayed that they found the killer and they paid deeply for all the pain they caused the Safe Haven.
Action: Talk to Father Nicolas
Result: Rainheart found out that all the darkling's killed were taking treatment from Nicolas but nothing more.
Word Count: 800

Kinda of feel like I wasted a action but maybe the treatment thing will be important? (Probably not)
© 2015 - 2024 Kidariko
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Riveriia's avatar
your theory about why Skinner would kill them is interesting.

This evidence may now be used in the Trial.

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